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Bee Extinction: Welcome

This project focuses on the extinction of bees and the terrible impact the bee
extinction would have on life as we know it. One third of the UK’s bee
population has disappeared over the last decade. If bees will go extinct, humans
would only have four years left to live. Honey bees are responsible for $30
Billion a year in crops. If bees would not exist anymore, humans would lose all
those plants pollinated by them and the animals that eat those plants will die as
well as a consequence. My project focuses on the bee extinction and combines
this serious issue with my newly found admiration towards ice sculpting. For
this project, I created handmade ice bees and filmed them while melting at
Greenwich Park. The melting process represents the tragic truth and
consequences if bees go extinct.

Bee Extinction: Text
Bee Extinction: Selected Work
Bee Extinction: Welcome
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